Peter Weinstein sent the following email earlier today. It comes as a surprise to some, since many believed the juvenile division assignment created by Merilee Ehrlich's transfer, ably covered in the interim by Arlene Backman, would be given to the judge named to replace Susan Aramony, whom we now know to be Stacy Ross. In fact, there may have been questions during the JNC process to candidates specifically mentioning that the circuit seat up for grabs would indeed be a juvenile assignment. We're trying to confirm exactly what was said during the interviews, whether anyone on the JNC had been told it was a juvenile seat (and by whom), whether Ross has been offered the juvenile position, and if she turned it down.
Developing ...
From: Peter Weinstein
Date: August 1, 2013
In April, I wrote requesting that anyone interested in the juvenile division on a temporary basis to please contact me upon Judge Ehrlich's change to the family division.
I would like to thank Judge Arlene Backman for her service in the juvenile division and for a job well done.
There will soon be division openings so if you have any thoughts regarding the juvenile division or Judge Ross's county civil division, please let me know ASAP.