1.) Confused courthouse employees after this morning's evacuation. Were they supposed to go home? Could they go Christmas shopping? Or was everyone due back at work in an hour?; 2.)Peter Weinstein hosted Jesse Panuccio, Rick Scott's outgoing General Counsel (R, with shoulder bag), last Friday in his eighth floor office. Panuccio and a friend were there to interview JNC finalists hoping to replace David Krathen. A decision is expected around December 20th. Panuccio is on to bigger things, recently named executive director of the Department of Economic Opportunity. Peter Antonacci, currently the interim State Attorney in Palm Beach, will become the new General Counsel/Judgemaker; 3.) Broward judges won't have Maria Verde to kick around much longer. Miami's newest circuit judge takes the bench in January, after beating out Robert Coppel in November; 4.)Ron Gunzburger, BSO Legal's new boss; 5.) Laura Watson before the election, and before the Bar's PC finding; 6.) It's Lynn! Former Assistant U.S. Attorneys typically need reality checks upon assignment to the state circuit criminal division, but hopes are high for Lynn Rosenthal. She's gotten good reviews in Dependency, both on demeanor and world view, so keep your fingers crossed. Rosenthal tells us she's extremely punctual, so criminal lawyers may also have another judge they can set their watches by, a la Lisa Porter and Cindy Imperato.
Coming Soon - Six Degrees of Separation: Satz and Pink Floyd's Roger Waters ...
Jaablog Holiday Movies
SS: Rhonda Hollander cleared (11/19)