In Peter Weinstein's courthouse, you don't have to be a judge to get arrested on substance abuse related charges. Following the DUI arrests of Cindy Imperato and Gisele Pollack, ASA Molena Mompoint was busted Monday night, accused of Possession of Methamphetamine.
Another sad day for the Broward legal community, and most importantly, the community we serve. And still nothing from the chief judge, the captain of the ship. Quite the opposite, in fact, since Weinstein has taken to issuing statements through a spokesperson, as he did on the occasion of Pollack's car crash with injuries. Not very reassuring, even to a citizenry used to a justice system that's the laughing stock of the state.
Let's face it. Weinstein didn't create the culture of permissiveness, hypocrisy and double standards that permeates the courthouse elite. And he can't control everyone wearing a robe or a badge. But after four years at the helm, one thing is certain: Weinstein is either incapable or unwilling to take necessary steps to lead the 17th Circuit to a place of respectability and dignity in a county bruised by decades of corruption and corresponding public distrust of its legal system. And with the Rothstein, Gardiner, and Watson matters threatening to further darken the clouds over the courthouse, things can only get worse.
It's time for a change. Not mushy public platitudes while backroom deals are cut concerning the chief judgeship in 2017, but honest to goodness, old-fashioned leadership. Someone must come forward from within the ranks of the judiciary to remind the public that the vast majority of Broward lawyers and judges are hard working, capable individuals. Someone who isn't afraid to break a few eggs or lose a few votes, and set a good example by handling a docket at the same time.
For instance, courthouse counseling and substance abuse training must be set up, and ethics seminars too, where judges and lawyers can establish dialogues. Transparency must replace secrecy. Lazy judges must be taken to task, and the wholesale use of unelected, senior judges running entire divisions must be eliminated. Troubled or obstinate judges must be dealt with decisively before they become public embarrassments, or dangers to themselves and innocent bystanders. Regular rotation of judicial assignments must be implemented to reverse stagnation and burn-out, and to ensure an even distribution of the most talented jurists in every sphere of the legal system, as the electorate would expect when casting their votes or going to court. And most importantly, a strong message must be sent not only to the public and judges, but to lawyers young and old that everyone will be held accountable to the highest standards of professionalism, or face stern consequences. The perception that anything goes once becoming a Broward judge, that you will be protected by judicial administration and your colleagues come hell or high water after donning a robe, must be quashed forever, if only lawyers of the highest integrity and character are to be attracted to the 17th Circuit bench.
So how about it, judges? Is there a leader in the ranks? Doesn't Broward deserve better?
Coming Soon - Resigning Women ...
SS: Broward schools chief apologizes for underling's Bible blunder
Peter Antonacci, Rick Scott's judicial diversity czar ...
Pathways to the Bench:
A Panel Discussion on the Judicial Nominating Process & Networking Reception
Wednesday, May 7, 2014
Time: 5:30 - 6:30 p.m. Panel Discussion; 6:30 - 7:30 p.m.
Networking Reception (light appetizers and wine)
Venue: Broward County Bar Association-1051 S.E. 3rd Avenue, Ft. Lauderdale
Cost: $25 for BCBA, Caribbean Bar and TJ Reddick Members;$40 for Non-members;
No cost to BCBA Judiciary
Panel Discussion: A panel discussion geared at demystifying the Judicial Nominating process. Speakers from the Governor's office, the JNCs and the Judiciary will provide an overview of the Judicial Nominating process from application to appointment by the Governor, including the mechanics of the Judicial Nominating process and "do's" and "don'ts" in order to be a successful applicant.
Meet the Panelists:
Peter Antonacci - General Counsel for Governor Rick Scott
Ken Gillespie, 17th Judicial Circuit Judge
Stacy Ross, 17th Judicial Circuit Judge
Raag Singhal, 17th Judicial Circuit Judge
Jamie Finizio Bascombe Esq., Judicial Nominating Commission Member.
Vice Chair and Chair (two terms)
Presented by the Broward County Bar Association,
Caribbean Bar Association, and TJ Reddick