David Audlin, Esquire
Things have gotten mighty hot around here. So hot, in fact, that a little more than three months after postingLet's Get Sweaty!, the former chief judge of Monroe County is resigning from the circuit court, with four years left on his term. The Key West article that broke the story Friday is here, and a bit more detailed story appeared Saturday. Both articles simply state that David Audlin will be returning to private practice May 9th, and that he enjoyed his time as a judge.
Did JAABLOG light the fuse that took Audlin off the bench? And is it only a coincidence that he stopped being chief judge of the 16th Circuit sometime after Let's Get Sweaty! went up? Or were these purely personal decisions by Audlin and his family?
The timing does seem suspect though, leading any reasonable person to conclude something unseemly is afoot. For while there's no question that the judge's public Manhunt postings created an appearance of impropriety, it would be darn near criminal for this very human transgression to cost a man his job in any day and age, especially in light of all the good old-fashioned lying and cheating and racism going on which everyone tries their best to ignore.
Let's just hope we're wrong, or that there's something more to it than meets the eye ...
Coming Soon -Barry Cohen, Live!