It happened last week. The worst experience your humble author has ever experienced in a court of law. After countless brouhahas with Broward badasses like Sheldon Schapiro, Lenny Feiner, Eileen O'Connor, Gardiner, Cheryl Aleman, and the mighty Dale Ross, it took Palm Beach county judge Marni Bryson to leave the worst aftertaste ever over an eleven year career of nearly daily visits to court.
Yes, it was that bad. A trial matter before gentleman Frank Castor was snapped up by Bryson, who we'd never encountered before. The snippets of giggles from some of the knowing lawyers assembled in Castor's courtroom as the case was being reassigned were the first clue it was going to be a bumpy ride. It was anything but a laughing matter eight hours later.
We won't bore you with the specifics. The whole mess is now in the extremely capable hands of the PD's appeals team, and the circuit court in its appellate capacity. We're certain it will all be straightened out. That being said, anyone familiar with the blog knows we've got a whole new, all-consuming purpose in life, and it's name is MARNI.
The digging started that same evening. Every Palm Beach lawyer we know found their cell phones ringing. Reactions ran the gamut from surprise to knowing consolation. Apparently all lawyers are not created equal in the treatment doled out from the dias. Newbies and out-of-towners mostly seem to feel the pain, while most defendants seem to benefit from an easygoing sentencing policy, which most likely diffuses pissed off lawyers and stymies many well-founded appeals (but that ain't happening in this case). One call led to another, and soon we had a list of recommended contacts.
Later in the evening, a trusty Google search was executed. Instant paydirt! Gardiner-esque boyfriend rumors in the newspaper here andhere, a controversy over not disclosing a misdemeanor battery "charge", an official sanction for filing 'inaccurate or incomplete' financial disclosure reports, and a related complaint by an election opponent that Brysonmay have improperly funded her campaign (this issue apparently went nowhere at the time, although we're hearing there may be more on the topic coming soon, so stay tuned ... ). A virtual bonanza at the click of a mouse!
A trip over to the Palm Beach Supervisor of Elections site was also illuminating. Bryson spent a whopping $214,522 to win the precious robe, including $162,750 in personal loans. That's a lot of green for a $134,280 a year job, spent while making $65,000 a year as an Assistant Attorney General, after only nine years as a lawyer. We haven't found her current financials online, but rest assured we'll get them and post soon. It'll be interesting to see if she's got another bank roll in reserve to withstand our challenge (or yours) in 2016, if she runs for reelection.
In any event, we hope you'll enjoy our latest obsession, and hope you'll lend a hand. A lot of people have complained in private, but tell us they're afraid to come forward. That's nothing to be ashamed of, considering real world professional concerns. Still, there's nothing stopping you from dropping an anonymous comment, or calling our cell, or utilizing the specially created, 100% confidential email account whoismarnibryson@yahoo.com. Tell us where to look, and who to call, just in case there's anything out there the public should know about one of their most trusted public officials.
Confidentiality is guaranteed!
Coming Soon - Fourth DCA Justice Peter Blanc?